2023普通高等学校招生全国统一考试·冲刺押题卷QG(六)6英语试题答案 (更新中)






3.What happened to Mary last night?A.She was sound asleep.B.Her car couldn't start.C.Her friend gave Mary a phone call.


Eararlie r in 1869, one of Adams' friends showed him an interesting kind of sap(树汁) . His friendto ld him 43 people in Cental America liked to chew (咀嚼) on it for fun. Hundreds of yearspassed and people didn’t do that any longer. But Adams was interested in the sap. He wanted to use itto create some new444. Adams, however, 45 to create what he wanted. He felt bored and446 and happhappe ed to chew on the sap. 47 the sap tasted great. Adams then added something elseto thee sapto the sap and started selling it. Later in 1869, he opened a factory to produce this deliciousIn 1888, Adams gave a 49 to the invention “chewing gum". The sweet can beromselling machines at underground stations all over New York City. Over the years, new kinds have been____50. Now, chewingmg gum is popular among many people. However, few people know this was all41. A. praisedstarted by an American scientist from a mistake.B B supposed C. sold D. invented2.A.in public4 B. by mistake C. in person D.by hand43. A. ancientB. painful44. A. productsC.famous D.sickB.records45. A. agreedccrops D.fruitsB.preferred46. A. comfor tablefailed De affordedB.active47. A. UsuallyC. upsetD. satisfiedB. Surprisingly C. Slowly48. A. dishD. ClearlyB.meal C. drink49. A. methodD. sweetB. name C. prize50. A. dividedD.menuB. stored C. developedD. repeated

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