百师联盟2023届高三高考模拟卷(湖南卷)英语试题答案 (更新中)






3.Your name has be en d from the list, so you need n't take part in the sports meeting.____


阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My son struggles with his writing.He finds writing 41 , particularly how to hold____his pencil.Trying to get my son to 42 it serves as another reminder of how many____complex things we make kids learn so young.“I can't, ”he says, proving that his father’s 43 to give up the moment things____get difficult is an genetic feature. I cant 44 him.I have been talking about how to____hold a pencil for so long that Im 45 about how to do so myself. Also, since he's left-____handed, Im doing all my 46 with my left hand to make it easier or him to imitate.____But as I'm right-handed, it just means my writing 47 out all twisted and strange.____We're writing his letter to Santa. I tell him I'll write the first part and he can 48 the toys he wants, and his signature.He's doing great, me not so much.My letters are badlyformed.49 , my left hand gets tired easily. So no matter how carefully I form the first________few letters, within minutes Im 50 to write even the simplest word without it looking

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