2022~2023学年白山市高三三模联考试卷(23-324C)英语试题答案 (更新中)






6.The police play av role in our society, without whom our safety will be challenged greatly.____7.The students on duty (排列) their desks neatly.____


(A)阅读下面短文,从AF选项中为每一段落选出一个最合适的标题。(5分)Five Ways to Fight Germs(细菌)( ) 46.If you have a cold or flu, you'd better not pass it on to anyoneelse.Just use a napkin every time you sneeze or cough. Put usednapkins in the dustbin.( ) 47.Always wash your hands with running water and soap before youeat anything, after you use the bathroom and after you sneeze orblow your nose.The germs won't stand a chance.( ) 48.Stations, hospitals, supermarkets are places filled with germs thatmake people sick. When people cough or sneeze, the germsspread widely, landing here and there. Unless it's necessary, goout less often.( ) 49.You should always buy pets from a good pet shop and take them tothe animal doctor regularly. Keep pets as clean as possible andalways wash your hands after you play with them.( ) 50.When you go food shopping, buy all the things for the fridge, and30. put them away as soon as you get home.

上一篇:2023年呼和浩特市高三年级第一次质量数据监测英语试题答案 (更新中)
下一篇:安阳一中、鹤壁高中、新乡一中2023届高三联考英语试题答案 (更新中)