[泉州三检]泉州市2023届高中毕业班质量监测(三)3英语试题答案 (更新中)






请你根据以下表格内容,以$$\because H o w t o B e a G o o d S i u d e n t ^ { 7 }$$为题写一篇英语短文。学习习惯认真听课,积极活跃,及时完成作业生活习惯多做运动,饮食健康,作息规律行为品质尊重老人,诚实守信,遵守交规其它......re men br要求: (1)词数80100;(2)可适当发挥;(3)书写工整; remember(4)文中不允许出现自己的真实姓名和学校。u dentFirst,dicult.we mut ha r.twe ct t liten t te te so das.w.we mut ha r.twe ct t liten t te te so das.wremenber


Eliminate Negative Thinking by Derick Howell4.4 out of 5 stars 990 ratingsDo you find it hard to fall asleep because your brain won't stop worrying? Do you feel stuck inan endless loop of uncontrollable negative thoughts? You’re not alone. Around 18%of thepopulation suffer from anxiety This book offers actionable strategies that will help you eliminate thedeep-seated causes of your anxiety and manage your day-to-day worries.21. What is Peter Daniel Andrei's book based on?A.Scientific research. B.Experts’suggestions.C.Celebrities’speeches. D.Personal experience.22.What does Derick Howell mainly offer in his book?

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