天壹名校联盟·2023年上学期高一3月大联考英语试题答案 (更新中)






14.Why doesn't the woman's friend come to meet her?A.Because she can't find her at the station.B.Because she doesn't know her coming.C.Because she loses her way.


was leaving. Dad asked me what happened.“I guess I was too chicken. SorrySorry.”What Dad said next 49 surprised me. “Don’t ever apologize for knowing yournextlimits, ”he said.“And don’t let someone make you do something you’re notcomfortable with. I’m proud of you for the choice you made.”This was the exact50 of what I expected him to say.Instantly, I understood exactly how my son felt. Knowing the limits is n’t an51 of weakness. It’s actually a sign of strength.37. A. plugged in5B.pulled overC. stepped inD. swung overBB.provided C.shared D.refreshedC 38. A. tradedD 39. A. immatureB. in differentC.uncomfortableD.irrelevantB 40. A. always B.surely C.forever D.neverC 41.A. expected B.wondered C.recalled D.imaginedA442. A. passed B.faded C.froze D.flewD 43. A. pressed B.drafted C. polished D.carvedA44. A. looking B.applying C.smiling D.inquiring45. A. scarcely B.secretly C.similarly D.stillD 46. A. inched B.found C.led D.bouncedD 47. A. regret B.fear C.sadness D.dizzinessB 48. A. embarrassedB. disappointedC.discouragedD.pessimistic49. A. hardly B. completelyC.normally D.rarelyA450. A. remark B.comment C.comfort D.opposite51. A. assumptionB.introductionC. anticipationD.indication

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