2023年高考桂林河池防城港市联合调研考试(2023.03)英语试题答案 (更新中)






34.What can we infer from Paragraph 3?A. The camera quality of the BlackBerry was not so good.B.The main appeal of the BlackBerry was its convenient pocket size.C.Many teenagers bought the BlackBerry because of its special design.D. The BlackBerry had the highest level of security.


( ) 50.The passage is about .____A. the best time to visit British____B.the way to make an invitationC.the best place in England D.the customs of English invitationsmd skip and dif heal tie m at achool or work.pobl em, and laugh and ery with them. 55.Ala t o people love watching soaps. Why? 4.____. We get the char a eters____A. And soaps piv e un something to talk about with our friendsB.In fact, many soups are about similar topics (话)C. such a a street, a hotel or a family's homeD. That’s becaue soap s are e us y to watchE. They fint appear od on the radio in the USA in the 1930.tF. can toons are my favoriteC. Becu use our parents love caring their child een____

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