2022-2023学年陕西省七八九年级期末质量监测(23-CZ53a)英语试题答案 (更新中)






得分 评卷人Ⅶ.完形填空。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。Seeing Spot running around the garden, Stephen remember the first day it came to his house.Stephen was fourteen. It had been three months since his mother and father died in a car41on the high way. Kelly, whose husband died years ago, adopted (收养) him. Stephen had a 42fforKelly. Her voice was loud. She also made him do the housework. Stephen didn't43 ason to her atall. He dreamed a lot. He spoke little . He cried 44 and nobody knew.He had no smile on his face.He had even been working on a plan to run away and never return!Until he heard Kelly parking her car into the garage (车库) on that day.Before Stephen realized it, Kelly was standing in front of him, with a small beagle (比格犬) inher 45.She took the dog out of it and put the beagle down.It ran to Stephen and sat on his tennisshoes. Stephen knelt down to pet him. After awhile, he 46 and asked in a low voice, "Is the dogfor me?"Kelly laughed, "Of course. Give him a 47."Stephen thought for a while. Suddenly, he saw abig, black spot on his back. That's it! Spot!"T'll c all him Spot!"Stephen said loudly."Spot? Nice name."said Kelly."You'd better clean the bathroom and 48 your school cachstudy task before dinner's ready."Two week s pas ed. 49different had changed in Stephen a smile appeared on his face again.Wherever he went, Spot would run after him like a loyal shadow. 50, he had given up his plan toleave the house. One morning, when Kelly woke up, she found a small hand- made card on her bed.You can see the words, "Thank you, Mom! Love, Stephen."( )41.A.accident B.factory C.project D.tour()42.A. pityB.dislikeC.needD.wish( 43.A.call at B.feel like C.walk int D.believe in44.A. loudly B.secretly C.madly D.wildlyly( )45.A.hand B.heel C.backpack D.postcard( )446.A.looked up B.jumped downC.looked down D.turned down


19.Why does Laurent Simons want to create artificial hearts in the future?A.To complete his graduating project.B.To help those with heart disease.C.To follow in his parents'footsteps.

上一篇:陕西省2022-2023学年八年级下学期第一次质量检测英语试题答案 (更新中)
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