【咸阳一模】咸阳市2023届高考模拟检测(一)英语试题答案 (更新中)






31.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A.Talking to animals with A IB.Recording sounds with A IC.Receiving infrasound with A ID.Making an animal version of Google Translate


C.She was positive about the new life at school.D.She was confident to adapt to the new environment.7.Which of the following writing skills is employed in the text?A.The author compares Sara's bravery to that of the soldiers.B.The description of the surroundings is to add horror to the story.C.The image of Sara is depicted through appearance and language.D.Body language is employed to show the character's state of mind.

上一篇:湖南省永州市2023年初中学业水平考试模拟试卷(四)英语试题答案 (更新中)
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