重庆市万州二中2022-2023年高三下期2月月考英语试题答案 (更新中)






B. Search college scholarship sitesC. You'll also find these books onlineD. If your hih school doesnt have n career centerE. Talk to your friends, patents and even parents friendsF. That's why we recommend career centers and books firstG. After arriving career center, you can update resources olineG.Afte


六、完形填空(共0分)Today in China, if you walk into parks and places of interest in cities like Xi'an, Hangzhou, Nanjing, you will31 many people dressed in han fu. The traditional clothing for Han people has been more and more32 According to a report, the number of people in the country that love hanfu will 33 grow from 2.04 million________in 2018 to 6.89 million by the end of this year and over 70% of the fans are between 16 and 24 years old. Why are these____34 hanfu fans so interested in the traditional clothes? That's because they love the special 35 and therich culture behind the clothes.Also, han fu meets their need to 36 their individuality(个性) ,____To follow the fashions(时尚) , some places of interest have 37 free entry to visitors wearing han fu. Last________year, the ancient town of Xi tang in Zhejiang Province 38 about 187, 000 tourists from home and abroad duringit s han fu culture week.Since so many people become interested in han fu, many business people have paid attention to this 39________something different with her real interests in hanf and cats. So far Wu's shop has over 16, 000 folowers on Taobao,with th highest monthly sale s topping 70, 000 yuan. It's said that the mark ei v a iue of han fu would be over 10 billionyuan this ear.31. A. pick upB. come across C.take after D.care for32. A. popularB.expensive C.comfor table D.impossible33. A. slowly B.mainly C.greatly D.hardly34. A. young B.weak C.polite D.brave

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