2023年全国新高考冲刺压轴卷(五)5英语试题答案 (更新中)






五、读后续写(满分40分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。I am Russian, but for the last five years, I've lived in Kansas, because my husband, John, isan American. I work in a department store, where my coworkers pronounce my Russian name sosweetly. Every time I hear it, I feel as though my mom is hugging me.In my native country, people believe that Americans always keep big smiles on their faces even ifthey don't have a real reason to do so. The American smile, the Russians have decided, is not genuine.Last year, John encouraged me to go to see my mom back in Russia. My manager even gave mea month off for the trip. (When you live an ocean apart from your family, you need at least a monthto visit them. ) I bought a plane ticket and packed my suitcase. Then came coVID-19. My mood be-came gray as I realized I couldn't go to see my mom.A couple of weeks later, my sweet coworker Miss Donna, asked me, “So what's happening with


34.We can infer from Paragraph 4 that .____A.drug companies lose much money promoting vitaminsB.the FDA has stricter regulations for prescribed medicineC.supplement makers care little about designing their labelsD.it is illegal to market a product without actual health benefits

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