




4.What does the man mean?A.He can't afford the new car.B.His friend has bought the car for him.C.He has already made the down payment on the car.5.How does the woman go to Philadelphia probably?


停顿(Text 1) W:Jim, can you help me fill in these forms? My assistant has been ill and went to see the doctor just now.M:Just tell me what needs to be done.Im free till the four o'clock meeting begins. (Text 2) M:When was your notebook computer stolen? W:It was about 10 o'clock.Ileft homeat 8:00 am, and when Icame back at 11:00 am, it was gone. (Text 3) W:Hi, Tom.We have to start the meeting without you. M:I know.My flight was late because of the heavy rain.W:But you are just in time for the discussion. (Text 4) W:This neighborhood is full of young families. Your father and I are thinking of moving somewhere smaller andrmore suitable for people of our age. M:That's great.I hope you find somewhere nice and quiet, where you can live out your retired years in comfort.(Text 5) M:Where are you planning to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival, Mary? W:I thought about visiting my grandparents, but my brother invited me to go to his home.How about you? M:Well, I would like to spend the day with my parents.


11. What does the man think about the woman's job search?A.Pity. B.Worrying. C. Satisfying.

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