2023届高考分段学情评估卷 新高考(三)3英语试题答案(更新中)

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2023届高考分段学情评估卷 新高考(三)3英语试卷答案,以下是该试卷的部分内容或者是答案亦或者啥也没有

2023届高考分段学情评估卷 新高考(三)3英语

16. What will the man do tomorrow morning?A.Stay at home. B.Go to hospital. C.Go to Mike's home.

2023届高考分段学情评估卷 新高考(三)3英语

参考范文: Hearing that he was nlotta finalist, Farid could not believe his ealr.s. Even though he was glad that hisbrother had been on the list, he was quite disappointed and upset with the result. He wondered why he was notselected to take part in the finals. Without any hesitation, he went to talk with Mr. Tai about the unexpectedresult. Mr. Tai explained Farid the re asSCon and made an apology to the boy. Realizing that his hope for athletichonor was ruined, Farid felt extremely discouraged. Unluckily, Hassan lost the race. Hassan'sold ankle injury troubled him during the race and he came inlast, which disappointed all. Mr. Tai made an apology again. Though feeling angry and sad, Farid chose toaccept the fact positively instead of giving up. Under the guidance of Mr. Tai, he worked even harder in thefollowing days. In the end, he did well enough to win hoor for the school in the next National Athletics Cham-pion ships.

2023届高考分段学情评估卷 新高考(三)3英语

34.What does the author imply in paragraph 4?A.The price of the sunglasses should be lower.B.The money will be used to build football fields.C.The Ocean Cleanup is in need of financial support.D.Buying the sunglasses can help reduce ocean waste.35.Which section of a website is the text most probably taken from?A.Fashion. B.Lifestyle. C.Technology. D.Environment.

2023届高考分段学情评估卷 新高考(三)3英语