2023届全国高考调研模拟试卷 新教材-L(五)5英语试题答案(更新中)

2023届全国高考调研模拟试卷 新教材-L(五)5英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于2023届全国高考调研模拟试卷 新教材-L(五)5英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注我们


2023届全国高考调研模拟试卷 新教材-L(五)5英语试卷答案,以下是该试卷的部分内容或者是答案亦或者啥也没有

2023届全国高考调研模拟试卷 新教材-L(五)5英语

25.How do you feel about playing computer games according to the passage?A.It does more good than harm.B.It does much more harm than good.C.It has no effect on students. D.It does little more harm than good..

2023届全国高考调研模拟试卷 新教材-L(五)5英语


2023届全国高考调研模拟试卷 新教材-L(五)5英语

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四 个选项(A、B、C、D) 中,选出可以填人空自外的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。As a young gir in rural Zimbabwe, Ter era i T rent lived without running water and electricity and bdhope for her future.“I 4Imy father pointing to my brothers and the other boysTheseother boys in the village and saying:te tnhe brad wine n of omo row. We need to 42 them. We need to end them to school. Te will get married, she says."And that was just a(n) 43 experience for me.4444 to lear, this little girl with big dreams 45 dwrite from my brother’s books, " she says. Soon, Tere rai’s secret wasdid her brother homework.“I learned to read andt let her learn.46, and the teacher begged her fatherTere rai attended only two terms before she was for eed to47a

2023届全国高考调研模拟试卷 新教材-L(五)5英语