2023年全国高考冲刺压轴卷(二)2英语试题答案 (更新中)






35. What's the potential use of the robots of this kind according to Wang Yuy an?A.Help to treat humans’diseases.B.Removing larger plastic products.C.Recycling micro plastic particles.D.Absorbing plastics in the human body.


阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Space Station Rice Tests Show PromiseChinese astronauts have successfully grown rice seedlings (幼苗) onboard the Tian gong spacestation.There have becn other rice 56 (experiment) in space. But the one being conducted onTian gong is the first of 57 (it) kind that aims to produce the complete life cycle of the plant.which begins with a seed and ends with 58 matur plant producing new seeds.____China launched the Went ian space laboratory into orbit on July 24. The space lab. whichweighs 23 metric tons and is 17.9 meters t all, is the country's 59 (l argc) spacecraft to date.Onboard 60 (be) eight experimental payloads, including the on c for the rice experiment“We want to investigate how microgravity affects the plant flowering time on the molecular (分子的)level 61 whether it is possible to use the microgravity c nvironment 62 (control) the____ ____related process, ”said Zheng Hui qiong, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.Flowering is a 63 (vital) important stage for plant reproductive development.“If we want to land on and explore Mars, food 64 (bring) from Earth is not enough for the____astronauts'long journey and mission in space.We have to find a sustainable food source 65long-term space explorations, ” Zheng said.

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