2022~2023学年核心突破QG(十八)18英语试题答案 (更新中)






5.Why do many employeesfail to come to work today?A. They are stuck in traffic.B.They are playing football.C.They are watching a football match.C


31.What may be talked about following the last paragraph?A.How to define social intelligence.B.How to classify social intelligence.C.How to improve social intelligence.D.How to deal with social intelligence.阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。Yesterday I was walking along a busy street when I noticed a young man selling toys.Soon a young mother with a small child 37 and the little child was 38 by a toy.The young mother asked the 39 and it was only one dollar . She gave him 10 dollars andwanted the 40 back. He told the young mom to put the money in a plastic bag and takeout whatever change he 41 her. She then put her hand into the bag and took out thebalance.I 42 that this young man 's whole mode of 43 depended on trusting people not tocheat him. Iwas so 44 by how this young man trusted people that I 45 a toy fromhim that I didn't need.He said it cost a dollar and I 46 told him that Ihad only 10 dollars. He told me to dothe 47 thing . SoIput my 10 dollars in his bag and then put my hand in, 48 Ididn'ttake any change. 49 I walked down the street, I 50 another kid with his fatherwalking so I gave him the toy.I walked on, 51 the kid and his father would have a smileon their face that day.37.A.came by B.went off C.came back D.went away38.A.frightenedB.surprised C.moved D.attracted39.A.style B.price C.color D.size40.A.check B.bill C.change D.note41.A.lent B.offered C.sent D.owed42.A.expected B.claimed C.realized D.admitted43.A.living B.earning C.working D.behaving

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