智慧上进2023届限时训练40分钟·题型专练卷(四)英语试题答案 (更新中)






阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。As I lay here in my hard 41 hospital bed, nobody could understand how____ ________42 I wanted to leave this place. I 43 my mom to grab me my keys. On my____ ____ ____key chain, there was a soft piece of leather. She gave me a(n) 44 look as if she____ ____thought I was going to drive myself home, but actually I just wanted to 45 the only____ ________thing that symbolized my true passion and 46 so many memories that transformed____me as a person.____ ____Every time I 47 the leather I would think of one thing- 48 .The leather____ ________was made of my first baseball glove that I 49 so much. Lying in my bed with my________ ____eyes 50 , I was taken to a sports field. The freshly cut out field grass was luscious(柔软的) green. The baselines were gleaming white and perfectly straight. I heard a____51 of the judges speaking with the coaches and the parents chattering(闲聊) .My________teammates' cleats(防滑钉) were 52 as they walked across the dugout(球员________ ____席) anxiously 53 the championship game. With a yell of “PLAYBALL


You get up in the morning and look into the mirror. Your face 29not tochange(变化) and you stays young-looking. In 2035.medical(医疗的) science is30 tha n ever, Many people can live to be 150 years old, 31 at the age of 60,you re no t old at all. And your parents also look much younger than they should be.And ali three of you look the same 32 u sasay to your shirt, “33 red. "It changes from blue to red. In 2035, “smart____clothes” can change the 34 or style(款式) as you like.________YYou walk into the 35 . You get the milk, but a voice(声音) says, “Youshould n’t 36 that!”Your fridge(冰箱) remembers the information of the milk. Itknows that the milk is not 37 enough.It’s time to go to work. In 2035, cars drive 38. Just tell your“smart car____where to 39.On the way, you can 40 a friend with your jacket sleeves(衣袖) .____Such“smart technology(科技) ”is all around you.“Your whole body and everything aroundyou will become 41 of the same network(网络) , ”says scientist Amp y Buchholz.So will all these come true?“For new technology to succeed(成功) , ”says scientistAndrew Zolli, “it has to be so much better that it replaces(代替) what we have42 .”The Internet is one example 43 will be the next?()292A.sounds B. seems C.tastes D.smells( )30..A. better B. more C.worse D.less+6)81A. if B.but C.so D.or( ))82.A. family B.team C.future D.ageD.Fall( )) 33.A. Like20 (B.Turn C. DrawD. piece( ) 34.A. price B.machine C.colorD.library( ) 35.A.office B.classroom C.kitchenC.mix( ) 36 A.dridrink B.buyD.cookB.richD.fresh( ) 37.A.readyC.personalC.yourself hem selves( ) 38. A. itself B.myselfC. leave D.arrive( ))39.A. see B.go( )40A. like B.give C.callD.endD. wish( ) 41.A.hope B.partC. luckD.already

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