2023届衡水金卷西南名校高三第一次大联考英语试题答案 (更新中)






Christmas Dinner is a feast connected with 42 At this 43 f east, family is somethingfor which we are, really grateful— 44 the rest of the year we take them for granted. For theUK's estimated half a million elderly who will spend Christmas alone, the family will be , 45Some wonderful people are 46 to ensure that they are n't alone.Margaret 47 a c are home of 30 people in Ormskirk, Lancashire, and gives her carefurther during the festive season by inviting others to Christmas dinner.“It's whether a very happytime or a very lonely time, 48 we decided to ask the lonely to come along and they love it. ”Not only is Christmas dinner 49 , but the guests are 50 to music, a good old song,and a little bit of dancing. The reviews are flooding in and people love it! “There is no 51 thatyou get lonely at home but it's lovely coming here.”says one gentleman, 52 a purple paperChristmas crown(王冠) . Another guest said, “Christmas means family, and this means family. ”Margaret believes that everyone has 53 to give this Christmas, the gift of 54 .“It'seasy, and giving a little bit of time can 55 the world to somebody.”41. A. bearable B.anxious C. worrying D. disappointing42. A. fans B.family C.friends D. relatives43. A. formal B.appointed C.annual D.frequent44. A. even if B.as though C.so that D.in case45. A. missing B.starving C.separating D.suffering46. A. eager B.determined C.forced D: promised47. A. needs B.attends C.visits D.runs48. A. since B.yet C.so D.because49. A. served B.cooked C.booked D.bought50. A. addicted B.devoted C. treated D.admitted51. A. wonder B.doubt C.need D.reason,52. A. decorating B.wrapping C. wearing D.tearing53. A. nothing B.anything C.everything D.something54. A. respect B.time C.freedom D.treasure


23. How many guitars are sold out to the world from China yearly?A.Over 2 million.B. Over 4 million.C. Over 6 million.D. Over 12 million.

上一篇:兵团地州学校2022~2023学年高一第一学期期末联考(23-223A)政治s试题答案 (更新中)