




25. What does Maria Pit arch think of the bike bus?A. Interesting. B.Tiring. C.Challenging. D.Boring


One possible version: She put her violin under her chin, but she couldn't remember even her first note. With a flushof sadness, she couldn't hold back her tear s welling up in her e yes. She shut her e yes, hoping toblink the tears away. When she opened them again, everything seemed misty. To her surprise, itlooked as if all the people in the hall had changed into her doll animals, and she even saw hersmiling Zoey the Zebra standing at the back. It was almost like being at home with her lovelyfriends. More relaxed, she picked up her confidence and remembered her piece. As she pla ved, the“animals”audience seemed to be changing back into people. But Emilywas no longer nervous because all the audience looked friendly now.She also found her parentssmiling eyes focused on her, telling her“you're always the best”.The audience lost themselves inher music.Finally, she played the last note, put her violin under her arm and took a big bow.Themusic lingered in the air after the performance, while the entire audience broke into loud applause.She made it! She had played her first solo! 给分板:0-1-2-3-4-5—6-7--8—9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20一-21-22-23-24-25


45.A.advised B.scared C.forced D.adjusted46.A.tradition B.habit C.trend D.anecdote47.A.Excited B.Afraid C.Tired D.Delighted48.A.posts B.letters C.pages D.articles49.A.yelled B.picked C.cried D.reached50.A.walking B.playing C.showing D.seeing51.A.light B.hope C.internet D.attention52.A.funny B.attractive C.easy D.satisfying53.A.obviously B.actually C.especially D.specially54.A.support B.struggle C.work D.sympathy55.A.win B.start C.survive D.quit
