贵州省遵义市2022~2023学年上学期高一年级期末开学测试卷(23-316A)英语试题答案 (更新中)






17.Whie h place will they go lo before visi ling Trafalgar Square?A.The National Gallery.B.The London Eye. C.West mins ler Abbey.


第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)155分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。A 7-year-old boy name d Eli saved his baby sister's life. He jumped into her room througha window to 41 her from a fire that destroyed his family's home.____It was a 42 night at the Davidson household in New Tazewell, Tennessee, on____December 8. Chris and Nicole Davidson 43 their three children dinner, got them into bedand were asleep by8:30 p.m.____Hours later. Nicole Davidson 44to the smell of smoke. Within minutes, the family'shome was up in 45—and 22-month-old Er in Davidson was 46 in her room.While the couple was able to 47 their 2-year-old s on Elijah and Eli, Erin's bed romwas surrounded by fire.The smoke and fire was so 48that there was no way they could get to her. They went499 to get to her from the 50 , but there was nothing for them to stand on to 511there. So Chris picked up Eli, who went through the window and was able to grab her fromher crib(小床) .By the timene 20 firefighters arrived on the 52, the house was already drowned inflames. By the next day, 53was left.“I thought I couldn't do it, but then II said, I g ot her, dad, ”Eli told CNN. “I was54 , but I didn't want my sister to die. ”54.“We couldn't be more proud of Eli, ”Davidson said.“He did something a grown manwouldn't do.”And he did it just55541.A.observe B.releasee C.rescue D.comfort42.A.coldB.unusualC.typicalD.splendid43.A.bought B.fed C.undertook D.controlled44.A.woke up B.sat up C.held back D.set about45.A.waterB.gasC.panicD.flames46.A.locked B.trapped D.supposedC.r org atten4 47.A.follow B.appoint C.encourage D.grab48.A.complex B.v vid C.immediate D.thick:49.A. out sic B.off C.down D.inside

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