衡中同卷 2022-2023学年度上学期高三年级期末考试(全国卷)英语试题答案 (更新中)

衡中同卷 2022-2023学年度上学期高三年级期末考试(全国卷)英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于衡中同卷 2022-2023学年度上学期高三年级期末考试(全国卷)英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注微信公众号:趣找答案/直接访问www.qzda.com(趣找答案)


衡中同卷 2022-2023学年度上学期高三年级期末考试(全国卷)英语试卷答案


衡中同卷 2022-2023学年度上学期高三年级期末考试(全国卷)英语

Music is good for the health. And drumming(敲鼓) may be best of all. As well as beingphysically demanding, it requires people to use their arms properly at the same time and to react tooutside input, such as what the rest of the band is up to.It is particularly helpful for children who have emotional and behavioral difficulties. Researchersat the Clem Burke Drumming Project an organization named after Blondie’s drummer, who was

衡中同卷 2022-2023学年度上学期高三年级期末考试(全国卷)英语

35.In which section of a newspaper may this article appear?A.Travel.B.Opinion.C.Entertainment.D.Science.

衡中同卷 2022-2023学年度上学期高三年级期末考试(全国卷)英语
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