玉溪市2023届普通高三毕业生第一次教学质量检测(2月)英语试题答案 (更新中)






They are the kind of people who 44 to give up on anything. My mother even 45 pens thatstopped writing in 1974.My brother Mark looked at her tragic face and 46 her, “Hey, Pretty Girl.”Itwas asif hecould see 47 the ruin.Mark and my mother fed her, gave her water and bathed her in burned motor oil, the way my peoplehave been curing the mange for 48.A month later, a beautiful white German shepherd stood in the____garden .She was 49 to last, at most, a few weeks or months, yet she lived three more years decades,in dog years 50 my brother to watch for rainbow in the garden.“I 51 for her, ”my mother said.“Some people say you need n't ask for God's blessing for yourdog, but ...”And then after the 52 of years, Pretty Girl began to 53 and died.Somethings in the garden were planted according to science, according to soil and weather. And somethings were planted according to traditions, the shape of the moon, and more. However, there are things wecan not 54, things beyond science, like how a man could name a dying dog and have her rise insidethat, somehow, to 55.41.A.starved B.burnt C.swallowed D.settled42.A.At length B.At least C.At large D.At present43.A.predict B.suspect C.recall D.tell44.A.tend B.vote C.hate D.determine45.A.appreciates B.abandons C.possesses D.keeps46A.inspired B.recognized C.named D.congratulated47.A.through B.beyond C.off D.beneath48.A.pleasure B.generations C.profits D.convenience49.A.supposed B.assigned C.aimed D.appointed50.A.commanding B.supporting C.following D.consulting51.A.prayed B.spoke C.sought D.struggled52.A.lesson B.punish ement C.reward D.gift53.A.fail B.adapt C.develop D.wander54.A.complain B.explain C.abta in D.claim


So why do people repeat the belief that her e yes seem to follow the viewer?Horstmann is n't sure.It's possible, he said, that people have the desire to be looked at,so they think the woman is looking straight at them. Or maybe the people who firstcoined the term “Mona Lisa effect”just thought it was a cool name.38.It is generally believed that the woman in the painting “Mona Lisa”.____A.attracts the viewers to look backB.seems mysterious because of her e yesC.fixes her e yes on the back of the viewersD.looks at the viewers wherever they stand

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