2023年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试高考仿真冲刺卷(一)1英语试题答案 (更新中)






10.What can be inferred about the central belief of Metaverse fans?A.The metaverse should be tracked by tech platforms.B.Tech platforms should possess and trade users' data.C.Crypto-currency technology should be monitored.D.Users should have control over their own data.


exposure 63. a stressful situation. A feeling of 64. (lose) of control can create a________conflict with the sense of self, 65. ultimately leads to burnout.____66. (suffer) from burnout can stunt our creativity and productivity seriously. So____what can we do t avoid burnout?First of all, set 67. achievable goal and believe in your____ability to realize it. What's more, sparking your creative side instead of focusing merely on whatyou can't achieve 68. (do) matter as well. 69. (dditional) , it's of great benefit____ ____to look after yourself and your surroundings in a healthy and pos ive way.Burnout is a common condition 70. (associate) with the fast pace of life in the modern____world. It's not just a physical condition; it has psychological effects that can impact heavily onyour work and life in general.

上一篇:安徽省亳州市2022-2023学年第一学期九年级联考(2023.02)英语试题答案 (更新中)
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