学普试卷2023届高三第三次·新高考 模拟卷(三)3英语试题答案 (更新中)

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学普试卷2023届高三第三次·新高考 模拟卷(三)3英语试卷答案


学普试卷2023届高三第三次·新高考 模拟卷(三)3英语

is also necessary for 46 movements such as doing a split in the air. Through regular____training every Tuesday and Wednesday, my flexibility and endurance improved a lot. And mydetermination was the key to 47 .As the contest 48 , our team practised more often,____rehearsing every day. We expected to impress the audience with a wonderful show.Then, the big day came. We were excited to dress up in specially rade costumes with ourshiny logo“F ZYZ”(the short form of our school's name) 49 on to each costume. No one____could afford to waste 50. We helped each other apply makeup quickly, and we stretched____our arms and legs with the dance 51 running through our minds. Our turn finally came.____Taking deep breaths, we put our hands together, shouting“Fighting”before taking centerstage. I felt extremely 52 , and my heart was beating so fast. At one point, I n early53 while doing a twirl(旋转) . Thankfully, I became calm again and the rest of the showwent on 54. When the judge announced that our team won first place, exhausted as I____was, I felt a sense of achievement. Mm l idOwing to this 55 team sport, I have learned to open my heart and developed moreconfidence in myself. I have learnt how to cooperate with others as I did with cheerleading andtake challenges calmly and easily. an HBt i41.A. tried out forB.broke away fromC.dropped out ofD.gave in to at eo42. A. hide B.design C.swing D.bury a (r )43.A.moral B.physical C.inner ivD. mental iron mo 344.A.presses B.muscle s hanAC.injuries D.bones 2u n45. A. Figuring out B. Looking intoC.Taking in D.Building up ood be46.A. repetitive B.technical C. strange D.risky47.A.progress n B.wisdom C.permissionD. trust o dO as48.A.proceeded B.ended C.started D.approached49.A.dropped B.sewn C.loaded D.flown50. A. energy B.space C. time D.money51.A. studio B.floor C. drama D.routine52. A. nervous B.peaceful C.delighted D.embarrassed log53.A.screamed B.complaint C. fell D.rushed54. A. poorly B.slowly C.ridiculously D.smoothly55.A. boring B.adventurous C. demanding D.simple A第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

学普试卷2023届高三第三次·新高考 模拟卷(三)3英语

34.What can we infer from the last paragraph?A.Potatoes were not e a table at first.B.The French hated eating potatoes.C.The queen could lead the fashion.D.Potatoes were easy to grow in Europe.

学普试卷2023届高三第三次·新高考 模拟卷(三)3英语
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