皖江名校联盟2023届高三上学期2月联考[E-023]英语试题答案 (更新中)






13.Why does the man come to the woman?A. To ask for advice.BB. To prepare for a report. C.To collect some information


二节阅读ThesededaDidings app tTheom ply ito s at isis阅读下面短文,在空白处填人1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Zh Hui chang, a doctor who has been in the fight against COVID-19for 99 days, said, “Theexperience is unforgettable, and it’s 61honor for me to do my part as a doctor when the countryand its people need me.”its peon he 62 (board) a plane to Wuhan, the epicenter of the corona virus outbreak inChinn didn't hesitate for a moment because I had thought about it for a long time, ” Zhuo said.Although his child objected 633the decision, his wife, who is also a medical professional, gaveAlthough support. “This is our 64 (responsible) , "she said During his stay in Wuhan, all theCOVID-19 patients they were responsible for recovered, he said 65 (proud) .One more mission awaited. After Zhuo returned to Fujian and completed his 14-day quarantine,he volunteered on April 5 to serve with a medical team sent to the Philippines. “I had muchexperience, 66 I could share with colleagues in the Philippines, ” Zhuo said, 67(add) that hewanted to make a contribution to the world. In the Philippines, the medical experts spent entire days68____(share) their experiences.“We wanted to communicate 69 we had learned about treatmentplans for COVID-19 patients, ” he said.“I feel 70(connect) to Wuhan and the Philippines now."x

上一篇:衡水金卷 2023届高三第八次阶段性考试(2月)英语试题答案 (更新中)