2023届培优限时练·名校信息优化卷(二)2英语试题答案 (更新中)






17.Which is the newly added department in this college?A.The French department.B.The Chinese department.C.The German department.


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。You may be familiar with the announcement“Mind the Gap”that is often heard on the LondonUnderground. It’s a 41 most travelers take for granted, but it has special meaning for Margaret McCollumtakebecause it’s helping her 42 her husband Oswald, who dieied inin 20 7.Back in 1950, Oswald recorded the announcement used on the underground network After he died,Me Collum, who was retired, would go to the Embankment station every day and 43 her husband’s Sitting on a bench, the lady would hear the 44 voice every few minutes when a new train pulled into the45. It gave her some comfort.46, the recording was eventually 47by an eby an electronic version in 2012. So Me Coof th ol im went to theLondon Transport Company to see if they could 48 her a copy of the original recording. She was n’t 49 ithey would help, but she insisted on going.550, they agreed, but the London Underground staff made a lot of effort to 51____the originalrecording. The digitizing process meant all underground recordings had been placed in archives archives(档案) , and workhahad to be done to 52 the voice.

上一篇:2023考前信息卷·第四辑 重点中学、教育强区 期末监测信息卷(一)1英语试题答案 (更新中)
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