2023届培优限时练·名校信息优化卷(四)4英语试题答案 (更新中)






5. What is the man’s favorite activity at night?A. Watching TV. B. Doing some reading. C. Listening to music.


第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。In China, the 24 solar terms 61. (create) thousands of years ago to guide agricultural____production.But solar term culture is still useful today to help with people's lives through cultural 62.____(ceremony) , special foods and even healthy living tips 63. correspond with each term.____Start of Autumn, (Li Qiu in Chinese) , the 13th solar term of the year, 64. (reflect) the end of____summer and the beginning of autumn, meaning the 65. (fruit) season is approaching. Start of____Autumn is also a big solar term for farmers.It's time 66. (gather) crops.There's a saying:“If it____rains on this day, a good harvest is expected.”On this day, usually people will weigh themselves and compare their weight 67. what it was at____the Start of Summer.If one has lost weight during the summer, then at the beginning of autumn, he or sheneeds to gain weight by 68. (eat) many different kinds of delicious food, especially meat.____69. Start of Autumn indicates the beginning of autumn, hot weather will not come to an end____The period of hot days after Start of Autumn, usually lasting for 30 days, is called“Autumn Tiger”or“IndianSummer”.Because of decreasing rainfall, it is even 70. (hot) during this period than during Major____Heat.

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