[淮南一模]淮南市2023届高三第一次模拟考试英语试题答案 (更新中)






第二节:阅读下面一篇短文,理解大意,然后从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。When I was nine years old, I had a pet fish. I 31 the fish Bob. I put a beautiful toy house in thetank(鱼缸) . Sometimes, I drew some 32 of other fish and sea plants. Then I put them near thetank, so that Bob wouldn't feel lonely.However, after a month, I saw that the tank was 33 dirtier and dirtier. My dad asked me to bringit to the kitchen. He wanted to teach me how to clean the tank without letting the fish feel 34 .First, my dad told me to take the toy 35 out of the water carefully. After that, I noticed that thewater was a lot dirtier than I thought“Wow!The water 36so awful, ”I said.“Let's get the fish out of the water quickly,Dad∴Or thefish will be 37 ill and die.”“No, Ben, ”Dad said.“We need to save some old water, 38Bob needs a place to stay whenwe clean the tank.”“Why?”I asked.“Don't 39to me, Ben. Do you know running water from the tap is bad for fish?”Dad said, “Sowe can't put Bob into fresh water right away. Instead, we need to put him in a cup with a little of the dirty40 for a while.”After that, we ...All seemed so easy. I hoped the next time I would be able to clean the tank all by myself.31.A.stuck B.read C.kissed D.named32.A.capitals B.pictures C.manners D.dialogues33.A.bowing B.seeing C.getting D.eating34.A.spare B.painful C.national D.smooth35.A.house B.passport C.truck D.chalk36.A.smells B.praises C.greets D.knocks37.A.widely B.badly C.hardly D.wisely38.A.because B.when C.unless D.if39.A.shut off B.take off C.look up D.talk back


16.Where is the woman studying apes?A.In the American jungle.B.In the Amazon jungle. C.In the African jungle.

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