2022~2023学年核心突破XGK(二十)20英语试题答案 (更新中)






Faced with a medical emergency, most people would freeze or panic, 41 a child. But SuzieMc Cash, then just four, not only kept a calm head but took 42action to save her mom’s life.Suzie, from North Tyneside, had just returned home with her mom Rowena. But as soon asRowena 43 through the door of their house, she began to feel dizzy. Rowena 44 from a life____threatening allergy to salicylates (水杨酸盐) 45 in oranges and almonds. Within minutes, shehad collapsed in the hallway, 46 to breathe.____With dad William at work, it was 47 little Suzie to save her mom’s life.She carefully described her mother’s situation to the 48 c all operator, “Mommy had an____allelerg igic shock. I t hen g ot her medicine to make her feel 49 .”Then Suzie was asked if she could____50 the front door of her home, and replied, “I can't really reach the lock, but Ill have a551..”When doctors and nurses arrived, Suzie managed to let them in, and they were able to givlifesaving 52 to Rowena.“Her dad and I t old her she must have 53____because we have no idea how she managed toopen the front door on her own!”Rowena later said.““When she was little she loved playing 54 ,which helped her stay calm and remember what to do in an emergency. I'm so 55 Suzie savedmy life.41. A. regularly B.generally C.especially D. rarelyD.creative42. A. vital B.deadly C.special43.A. looked B.drove C.stepped D.livedD.recovered44. A. suffered B.heard C.learnedB.foundC.combined D.deserted45.A.lostB.starting C.struggling D.trying46. A. stopping47. A. up toB.ready forC.far from D.lack ofD.theftB.emergencyC.army48.A. disasterB.smootherC.warmer49.A.happierD.betterC.repair50.A.openB.closeD.tryD.knockB.lookC.sleep51. A. restC.calculation D. treatment52.A. apologyB.greetingC. intentions53.A. directions B.superpowersD.introductionsC.doctorsD.volun ters54.A. policemen B. firefighters


34. What can be inferred from the last but two paragraph?A.The retailers will shoulder more responsibilities.B.The consumers will have to pay for the extra fees.C. Santa Claus will send everyone a gift free of charge.D. Governments will raise more money for the companies.

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