衡水名师卷2022-2023学年度高三分科检测提分卷 151靶向提升(老高考)英语试题答案(更新中)

衡水名师卷2022-2023学年度高三分科检测提分卷 151靶向提升(老高考)英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于衡水名师卷2022-2023学年度高三分科检测提分卷 151靶向提升(老高考)英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注微信公众号:趣找答案/直接访问www.qzda.com(趣找答案)


衡水名师卷2022-2023学年度高三分科检测提分卷 151靶向提升(老高考)英语试卷答案,以下是该试卷的部分内容或者是答案亦或者啥也没有

衡水名师卷2022-2023学年度高三分科检测提分卷 151靶向提升(老高考)英语

59. A. admitted B.knew C. met D.understood60. A. understandB.quit C.repeat D.describe

衡水名师卷2022-2023学年度高三分科检测提分卷 151靶向提升(老高考)英语

Just then, a rescue boat caught Stephen's eye. Seeing the boat coming to their rescue, Stephenregained his strength.He patted Jordan's face to wake him up and continuously told him to be strong. Quitesoon, the boat arrived. With Stephen supporting Jordan's back, the lifeguards pulled Jordan on to the boardright away. Then linking arms with one of the lifeguards, Stephen was helped out of water before he wasout of energy. A few minutes later, they were back on to the shore.The boy they had saved was taken to thehospital without delay. A few hours had passed before good news came from the hospital. Hearing Jordan was in goodcondition, Stephen sighed with great relief. The stone which had hung in Stephen'she art finally droppeddown.Then came Jordan'smother's voice, “Had it not been for your timely help, Jordan would have died.Thank you so much!”.A shining smile spread across Stephen's face when he heard the words.“I believeanyone who could swim would have done the same thing.”he said.

衡水名师卷2022-2023学年度高三分科检测提分卷 151靶向提升(老高考)英语

7.What do the speakers agree on?A.The convenience of the car park. B.The quality of the performance.C.The taste of the food.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。

衡水名师卷2022-2023学年度高三分科检测提分卷 151靶向提升(老高考)英语
上一篇:2023全国高考单科滚动卷 LL(3三)生物试题答案(更新中)