河北省邯郸市2022-2023学年度第一学期七年级期末综合素质测评英语试题答案 (更新中)






5.What's happened to the man?A.His car is missing. B.He can't find a parking space. C.His car has broken down.


British comedy characters are often very unkind and rude to each other and British people 54 tomake fun of themselves, too. For people from other 55 , this can all seem embarrassing oimpolite. 56 , not all British humour is impossible to understand for people outside the UK. The____Mr Bean TV shows and films, for example, have been 57 in over 200 countries. Mr Bean is58 because he does simple, everyday things in an extremely absurd(荒谬的) way. People59 Mr Bean, but they also appreciate his eccentric(古怪的) behaviour. Loving eccentricity isanother important side to the British sense of 60 and maybe one that they share with peoplearound the world.41.A.plans B.jokes C.decisions D.friends42.A.doubt B.advise C.consider D.forget43.A.impossible B.misleading C.important D.encouraging44.A.strange B.huge C.traditional D.stupid45.A.watch B.hold C.record D.perform46.A.unhealthy B.perfect C.terrible D.good47.A.keeps B.produce C.chooses D.loses48.A.direct B.calming C.similar D.different49.A.need B.sell C.discover D.offer50.A.Unlike B.Except C.Including D.Without51.A.festival B.show C.situation D.nation52.A.change B.remember C.control D.understand53.A.wish B.mistake C.return D.deal54.A.love B.promise C.fear D.refuse55.A.teams B.departments C.cultures D.understand56.A.However B.Besides C.Therefore D.Instead57.A.normal B.popular C.worrying D.natural58.A.ordinary B.learned C.respected D.funny59.A.laugh at B.care for C.call back D.rely on60.A.reality B.time C.humour D.freedom

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