




“Mom, how are we going to 44 this?”I asked.“Papa is going to be here 45 , butwe still want you to come and visit. We d on't want it to be st range.”“Not a 46 , ”Mom replied 47 .“We are just going to get over our past and all be____friends.”Hearing this, I was so 48 .____At our first family dinner together, Isat nextto my husband and I 49 :Mom, Papa, andmy stepdad Doug, all at the same table.“Strangest thing ever.”I 50 to my husband.“Yes, but nobody else seems to think so, ”he replied.“It's 51 .”____For the next ten years, Papa lived with us, and 52 Mom and Doug came over, the threeof them would chat like old 53 . My whole childhood, I had wished that my three parentscould all 54 along.And here they were.It was n't exactly what I'd had in 55 . But maybethis is what life truly means.41.A.informing B.saying C.persuading D.arguing42.A.hear from B.laugh at C.speak to D.quarrel with43.A.disease B.cure C.treatment D.patient44.A.handle B.accept C.ensure D.permit45.A.of all time B.from time to timeC.all too often D.all the time46.A.doubt B.problem C.clue D.chance47.A.fortunately B.flexibly C.confidently D.obviously48.A.relieved B.annoyed C.astonished D.fascinated49.A.got across B.came across C.moved around D.looked around50.A.warned B.whispered C.repeated D.requested51.A.frightening B.shocking C.amazing D.amusing52.A.however B.whenever C.whatever D.wherever


3.方法方面,可从语篇和语言两个维度考量: (1)语篇:故事语篇特征是否典型(如:故事完整;时态一致;使用描述性语言等)? (2)语言: 一 正确性:语法正确(句型、用词、搭配、时态、一致性等) 一 丰富性:使用的语言手段是否丰富多样(灵活运用简单句、并列句、复合句、非谓语、特殊句型、逻辑连接手段等) 一 得体性:所使用的语言手段是否符合语境需要?是否地道自然?是否与原文风格一致?一 流畅性: 内容与逻辑是否连贯、流畅?


26. Why did the author feel excited after the running test?A. Because she could workout regularly.B. Because she received honey as a reward.C. Because she got another chance to take the testD. Because she achieved success after many failures.
