吉林省梅河口市第五中学2022—2023学年度高三上学期12月月考英语试题答案 (更新中)






between him and any opponent. From the non, any country colonized by the French took to driving onthe right.A.It would be chaos or disorder.B.Driving on the right or left depends on traffic rules.C.Itt's something you probably do every day but ignore it.D.No one exactly knows why driving on the left still exists.E.In fact, the ancient world back to the Greeks generally drove on the left.F.He stood against the British way and forced others to give way to his armies.G.Today, about 34% of the world's people drive on the left and 66% on the right.


Rhiannon Men n is the founder of Lasagna Love. It’s a(n)41 organization that connectsneighbors through homemade meal delivery. The 42 ffor it came about in March 2020, when hera meSan Diego community shut down because of the pandemic(流行病) . When she saw moms 43asthey lost jobs or childcare, Rhiannon feltth444and wondered what she could do to help her45Bhi alt didn fake her long to decide.Rhiannon, who is 46 about cooking, ordered groceries online and got to 47. She andher daughter, Ci more ne, then aged three,48extra pans of lasagna(烤宽面条) .Rhiannon449to a local moms’group on Facebook, offering to 50a free home-cooked meal to anyonewho wanted one Some nomWho wanted one. Some people took her up on her 51 . Even more wanted to join her to 52those who were struggling.Rhiannon created a spreadsheet for each volunteer,533 them with families requesting ameal. They delivered meals to the families by the scheduled time . Soon 54 of what she was doingspread 55 on social media. By summer, Lasagna Love had more than 100 volunteer chefs. Withtoo many for her to 56 , someone offered to create a website to manage the volunteers and mealrequests. This 57Rhiannon to do what she really loves: cook and reach people in a 58 situ-ation.as agagn a Love currently has 25, 000 59 around the world. For Rhiannon, lasagna is morethan food.“With lasagna, our volunteers 60 love and strengthen communities, ”she said.41. A. traditional B.private C.nonprofit D.official42.A. excuse B. idea C. concern D.demand43.A.wandering B.failing C. advancing D. struggling44. A. helpless B.speechless C.careless D.hopeless45. A. nursery B.city C. family D.community46. A. anxious B.curious C.particular D.enthusiastic47. A. work B.bargain C.move D.rest48.A. sold B.made C.bought D.ate49. A. attached B.posted C.appealed D. whispered50.A.pass on B.give back C.drop off D. leave out51. A. offer B.advice C. comment D.order52. A. impress B.hire C.feedD.sponsor53.A. supplying B. comparing C. replacing D.matching54. A. word B.knowledge C.notes D.predictions55. A. randomly B.quickly C.equally D.gradually56. A. adapt B.appoint C.trackD. change57.A. freed B.qualified C. forced D. reminded58. A. puzzling B. challenging C. disappointing D. shocking59. A. fans B.employees C. volunteers D.candidates

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