衡中同卷2022-2023上学期高三五调(新高考/新教材版)英语试题答案 (更新中)






18. What inspired the speaker to leam more about crying?A. His father’s comfort.B. His grandmother’s death.C. His childhood experience.


____ ____46 18 strangers around the clock for a full year, with no 47 from the cold and strong____ ____winds, I learned a lot. Being in isolation meant I had to do lots of self 48 .Every day I would think____ ____carefully of how I had operated as a leader. That discipline of 49 myself taught me how to tell right from____ ____wrong.After returning from the silent Antarctica, the noise in the outside world seemed 50 . It took me____ ____about 180 days to 51 to the noisy life.I limited the time I spent outside and gradually 52 my____ ________ ________ ____tolerance to noise. Besides, the 53 of my life in Antarctica was very slow, just like everyone's life inlockdown (封锁) due to the COVID-19. When I first got into my car for a ride alone, I felt like I was 54 ,____ ____even though I was n't.____Nowadays I often think back to when I saw the 55 that inspired me to look at the ad for the job____---a moment that changed my life altogether.41. A. requirement B.picture C. advertisement D.accident42. A. Actually B.Finally C.Consequently D.Immediately43. A. believed B.ordered C.promised D.noted44. A. experiment B.interview C.election D.investigation45. A. decline B.delay C.regret D.accept46. A. Seeking B.Leading C.Knowing D.Training17. A. suffer B. escape C.concern D.favor48. A. ambition B.adaptation C.recognition D.reflection49. A. evaluating B.blocking C. behaving D.enjoying50. A. louder B.gone C.quieter D.normal51. A. prefer B.attend C.adjust D.maintain52. A. put off B.turned up C. took off D. built up53. A. track B.pace C.quantity D.type

上一篇:湖北省荆门市2022-2023学年度上学期九年级期末质量检测英语试题答案 (更新中)
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