安徽省六安一中2023届高三年级第四次月考英语试题答案 (更新中)






22.-Are these model planes for me, Dad?—Yes. Do you want to have ?____A.it B.ones C.us D.them


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。Iama ridiculously early person. If possible, I 36 to be at least 30 minutes early for everything.____These days, this is an 37 to get some extra reading time; it used to be an opportuwine to settle my 38 when jumping into a party.This time I was almost an hour early. So I went to Charlie's house. To get me 39 the way whilehe was getting p reared, he took me to the 40 bedroom and 41 me to his new French buli dogpuppy. I fell in love 42 . I spent the entire night in the room with the puppy.My previous job involved 43 a lot. But I had recently changed 44.; my hoursThat evening I 45 I was finally ready for adopting a p up.I 46 witha pup named Lacy, who used to get 47 of the books I read and pu t he 4848in the middle of the page to draw my attention. Her gentle, silly ways have 49 with me.To have a puppy of my own: that was my 50 I found a breeder a few weeks later and was put onawaiting 51. I even gave my future pup a name, MN ults. It is a smaller version of Lacy, which Ididn't even realize I had 52 her until my sister pointed it out.We have come asa 53 for the past 13 years.When I say we, I 54 me and McNults. We areinseparable. McNulty got me through the 55 period of my life, through grief, and now I will be withher asher life comes to an end.C.hate36.A.tendB.pretendB.blame C.excuse37.A.accidentD.happenB.nerves C.problemsD.duty38.A.eyesD.lifeB.right into C.down upon39.A.away fromD.out of

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