昆明市第一中学2023届高中新课标高三第五次二轮复习检测英语试题答案 (更新中)






My car s lid easily into the school lane.I turned around and glanced at the back seat as myten-year-old daughter 41 . My daughter'swords started to spill.“Momma, Jenny 42 all________the girls in the class to attend her birthday party except for Heather and me.I 43 I was herfriend too.”The air was filled with her 44 .____As tears ran down my little gir's face, I felt 45 .As an introvert (内向的人) , I often________breathe a sigh of 46 whenIam not invited to a large social gathering . I prefer 47 with a____few friends who get me. 48 , Id on't ext end my preferences to my daughter's social life. Sincethe age of four, rather than 49 just a few, I've invited all of her classmates to her birthday____parties, because I am 50 to the need for young girls and boys to feel 51 .nd est nd that at some point al of us are echded trom someh ing and that this is a____52 children will eventually learn.But why does it have to happen when they are so 53 ?____As soon as we got home, I hugged my still upset daughter and wiped away her tears. As I54 her, I thought of her own approaching birthday party. The invitation would go out to55 ofher classmates.41.A.got off B.climbed in C.pulled up D.checked out42.A.invited B.persuaded C.allowed D.reminded43.A.remembered B.pretended C.thought D.admitted44.A.sorrow B.excitement C.embarrassment D.anxiety45.A.fearless B.hopeless C.tireless D.powerless46.A.disappointmentB.impatience C.relief D.sadness47.A.competing B.bargaining C.connecting D.living48.A.Instead B.However C.Therefore D.Otherwise49.A.expecting B.choosing C.ignoring D.training50.A.used B.addicted C.blind D.sensitive51.A.left out B.at ease C.fulfilled D.included52.A.lesson B.test C.skill D.quality53.A.upset B.young C.naughty D.lonely54.A.rescued B.entertained C.rewarded D.comfor ted


30.What is the potential use of the tiny robots according to the text?A.To help with dangerous tasks.B.To work in dark places.C.To inspire the creation of big robots.D.To assist doctors with operations.

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